Saturday 24 January 2009


I promise you I do not go rubbing my winky against my bicycle.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Environmentally friendly font

"The prints we make for our 'daily use' not only use paper, but also ink. According to SPRANQ creative communications (Utrecht, The Netherlands) your ink cartridges (or ink toner) could last longer.

SPRANQ has therefore developed a new font: the Ecofont.

"After Dutch holey cheese, there now is a Dutch font with holes as well."

Appealing ideas are often simple: how much of a letter can be removed while maintaining readability? After extensive testing with all kinds of shapes, the best results were achieved using small circles. After lots of late hours (and coffee) this resulted in a font that uses up to 20% less ink."

Let's overlook the fact that no.1 this idea is completely preposterous, no.2 it's so much thicker than a standard typeface to make the dots visible and no.3 on a regular copy size the holes will be so small, rendering it useless. But what do I know, it was clever enough to get itself in the Times. I'll print my dissertation in it because I'm all for saving the polar bears.

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Audi - Unbox the box

What? - Audi advert by the folk at BBH

Why? - I absolutely adore this advert for being simple whilst attempting to change opinion on 'boxy' 4x4's. Audi & BBH might be onto a winner here.

Tuesday 16 December 2008


What? Part of the new Diesel campaign.

Why? It reminds me of the kind of work that Diesel always used to put out before they lost all their character and personality. There's more on the Website, including a rather delightful young lady in a bath full of hair.

Saturday 13 December 2008

Wednesday 3 December 2008

This is more effective

Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe

That's the programme I watched on BBC iPlayer the other night. I hadn't realised Mr Veksner put it on the blog a couple of weeks ago. It's not on iPlayer anymore which is probably a good thing because Brooker irritates me.